Elmo: fluffy, red-coloured fur, best friends with Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster: aggressive and obsessive about his cookies, blu-coloured fur, best friends with Elmo
Oscar the Grouch: lives in a garbage can outside COokie Monster’s and Elmo’s cottage
Grover: dark blue fur, lanky, gangster-like
Setting: their cottage is near some woods, with huge open fields and grassy hills around
- Cookie monster feeds rabbits, while Elmo is playing with newly-bought light saber in garden. Oscar comes into garden, and asks if he can try the light saber. But Elmo says “Okay, in awhile.”
- Oscar becomes impatient and tried to grab the light saber from Elmo who is absent-mindedly swinging it around, unaware of what Oscar was doing.
- As a result, Elmo accidentally slices off Oscar’s head with the light saber.
Action related to conflict:
- Elmo is shocked and scared, and doesn’t know what to do. Then he looks down, and sees that the bloodstains on his fur had blended right in with his red fur. He has an idea.
- Elmo runs up to Cookie Monster and hugs him, making the bloodstains stain bright on his blue fur. Cookie Monster looks up and sees the decapitated Oscar’s body, and realizes what Elmo is doing. Elmo then phones the police, Ernie and Bert, and tells them that Cookie Monster killed Oscar.
- Cookie Monster asks Elmo why he is doing this, and Elmo cries and apologizes, saying he wasn’t thinking, and that he was very scared. Cookie Monster forgives him, and says that he will handle the cops when they arrive.
- Ernie and Bert, the cops, arrive. They take out pistols and point them at Cookie Monster, who distracts them and buys time by keeping the cops talking. He slowly walks backwards until he reaches a chainsaw.
- Cookie Monster grabs the chainsaw and kills Ernie and Bert.
- Cooke Monster hugs the crying Elmo goodbye, and tells him that he is running away. He tells Elmo to stay at the cottage, and clear things up, and that if people come looking for Cookie Monster to tell them that he committed suicide. They hug goodbye, and Cookie Monster sets off.
Resolution (Open Ending):
- A year later, Cookie Monster is watching television in his flat, when there is a knock on his front door.
- He opens the door and sees Grover, who is pointing a gun at him.
Grover says that he had been tracking Cookie Monster down ever since he heard that he had committed suicide, because he hadn’t believed it, and also because he wanted to take revenge on Cookie Monster for killing his father, Bert.
- Grover shoots Cookie Monster in the head, and runs away.